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More Than Normal refers to community capacity building as a continuous process that establishes the framework for the ongoing development of pride and meaningful local leadership that allows communities, through their members, to take responsibility for their own development.

It is important to note that it is the members of the community that determine the direction and speed of improvement for any development. They inform the process. At is core, More Than Normal is a consumer-informed service. Therefore we both meet and promote this framework. 

Re-empowering the individual to re-optimise their potential is one thing, but to re-empower an entire family, or community of families with shared common understandings is another thing entirely. It demands close consultation with community members and immersion in the culture to remain faithful to the cause, course and cure. 

Therefore our mandate in building capacity in the front-line services community is to be responsive. We will re-enable individuals and families to regain control over their lives - control that was removed by PTS.

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