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Emotional Fitness

Resilience is...

1.  the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.

2.   the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.


This sets the goal too far out of reach as it focuses on the end product rather than the process, and the goal posts seem to constantly shift. This is often seen as an un-achievable goal for most people.  What then is needed, is an understanding of the shorter-term step by step processes involved that achieve smaller, continuous goals.


I have called this process - Emotional Fitness.

Emotional fitness is defined as the state wherein the mind is capable of staying away from negative thoughts and can focus on creative and constructive tasks. Being emotionally fit is the key to success in all aspects of life. Negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, confusion, sadness and distress can prevent success and drain the energy needed to be productive in your daily routine and activities.

Like physical fitness you must be prepared to enter your emotional gym and have a few workouts. (Like climbing stairs).

Similarities between Physical Fitness and Emotional Fitness

Physical Fitness

  • Takes mental preparation – planning

  • Requires specific equipment

  • Requires basic skills/abilities

  • Move out of comfort zone

  • Demands allocation of time

  • Some pain involved (sweat and soreness)

  • People notice the difference positively

  • Social, psychological and personal reward

  • Improved health and longetivity

Emotional Fitness

  • Takes mental preparation – planning

  • Needs support network

  • Requires basic skills/abilities

  • Move out of comfort zone

  • Demands allocation of time

  • Some pain involved (awkwardness, memories)

  • People notice the difference positively

  • Social, psychological and personal reward

  • Improved health and longetivity

  • Builds focus and determination that leads to resilience

Resilience is the demonstrated ability to bounce back from adversity. 
Emotional fitness is the demonstrated ability to bounce forward.

At More Than Normal we aim to get you emotionally fit

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