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Medical & Mental Health Training Workshops

General Practitioners, Psychologists, Social Workers and Counsellors of all practice areas can greatly benefit from MTNs training series. 

MTN is proud to support the medical and mental health fields with training that enhances their practice with clients who struggle with PTS and its intergenerational impacts.

This is ideally targeted at emerging practitioners in their final year of tertiary studies and wish to specialise. However our feedback informs us that even long-established practitioners find the information and strategies useful and beneficial to the professional relationship and in constructing a more accurate diagnosis. 

A plethora of empirical evidence is emerging that demonstrates a strong genetic link in the prevalence of emotional management issues plaguing people and families with histories of traumatic stress. Several Australian-first studies have implicated genes in the intergenerational transmission of the qualities of Post-traumatic stress ( with interesting results. Further recent studies beg the question of genetic inheritance of significant experiences. Dr O'Brien is one of the founders in this field of work and practice.


This information must be considered in a diagnosis.

Clients and patients who either come from a country that has been ravaged by wars, famine, terrorism or oppression or whose parents and grandparents have, are highly likely to possess this genetic predisposition to emotional management difficulties. Some strategies will do more long-term damage at the cellular and genomic level than others. So it is vital to understand the mechanics and processes involved. 

Australian society is experiencing an unprecedented level of intense traumatic stress, and our young people are bearing the burden of our ignorance and neglect. We can turn this around simply through proactive, appropriate, relevant and meaningful education.


This is a hard-core, intensive, no holds-barred course that thoroughly explores current understandings of traumatic stress and its impacts on society, community, family and the individual. It illuminates how social feedback systems create the secondary behaviours and responses to iPTS that are at the core of the issue and need to be identified and addressed.

Designed for parents, care-givers and professional clinicians, this course is not for the feint-hearted as it gets participants to draw from their own personal and family histories and biases and explore their own lived experience as it applies to their home and professional life. This is designed to ensure graduates are duly authorised and promoted as having a true understanding of their clients' issues. ​

Recognising the Secondary Behaviours of PTSD and how to support iPTS families (3 day course)

Optimising Anger: Reframing the fear response.

This one-day workshop helps clinicians to understand the biosocial and evolutionary purpose behind anger and provides them with skills to guide their clients/patients to channel anger constructively towards achievement and determination.

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