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Parents, Grandparents & Carers Workshops

• Recognising the Secondary Behaviours of PTSD and how to support iPTS families (3 day course)

This is a hard-core, intensive, no holds-barred course that thoroughly explores current understandings of traumatic stress and its impacts on society, community, family and the individual. It illuminates how social feedback systems create the secondary behaviours and responses to iPTS that are at the core of the issue and need to be identified and addressed.

This course is not for the feint-hearted as it gets participants to draw from their own personal and family histories and explore their own lived experience as it applies to their home and professional life. This is designed to ensure graduates are duly authorised and promoted as having a true understanding of their clients' issues. 

This course counts towards Professional Development.

Optimising Anger: Reframing the fear response from the epigenetic perspective.

This one-day workshop helps parents to understand the biosocial and evolutionary purpose behind anger and provides them with skills to channel anger constructively towards achievement and determination. 

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