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Parents & Teachers Community of Practice

Help children reach their full potential.


Parents are a child's first and most influential teachers.

School teachers are just as (and in many cases, more) influential.

Your impact on a child's sense of normality and identity is critical. Knowledge of intergenerational pts and how to minimise it's negative impacts and optimise its positive impacts will forge a child's future. 

Joining our COP for Parents and Teachers is an ideal way to learn more about how to help you help your child/student reach their full potential at school.

Your child is mostly prepared for adulthood by their school. Their role is to build your child's potential. Yours is to plant the seeds of character and guide their potential.


More Than Normal sees the school as an equal partner in your child's healthy development. This makes sense since they spend 8hrs a day, 5 days a week there. That's more time at school than awake at home (usually). So we help forge effective and informed partnerships with schools. This COP is but one strategy.

As More Than Normal is a consumer-informed service, we need your input and  participation to stay on top of the game. Help us help you to help your children by joining our Parents & Teachers COP and guide others towards a life of success. 

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem

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